Painting the Eureka Frogs
These are the steps I used for painting the frogs. As mentioned a few times previously, I did a large surface area on these with the airbrush to speed up the large areas that I had to paint, which could be covered and highlighted a lot quicker than with a brush.
Back markings (Airbrushed):
Base - Calthan Brown and Red Gore (1:1)
H - Khemri Brown and small amount of Red Gore
Some dots of latex masking fluid were put over the area to later create the dots on the back.
Belly (Airbrushed):
Base - Bestial Brown and Tausept Ochre (1:1)
H - Kommando Khaki
The belly was covered with a layer of masking fluid to block out the area I wanted left 'white'.
Skin (Airbrushed):
Base - Chaos Black, Warlock Purple, and Camo Green (1:1:1)
H - Camo Green
H - P3 Sulphuric Yellow with a small amount of Camo Green
H (Brush) - P3 Sulphuric Yellow
At this point, all the masking fluid was peeled off, leaving the previous two layers to show through.
Eyes (Back to the paintbrush from here on in):
Base - Skull White
S - P3 Sulphuric Yellow
Lip highlight - Camo Green
Toe Webs:
Base - Bestial Brown and Tausept Ochre (1:1)
H - Kommando Khaki
Base - VMC Dark SeaGreen with a small amount of Dark Angels Green
H - Codex Grey
H - Fortress Grey
S - Wash of Liche Purple and Chaos Black (1:1)
Base cover:
Base - Scorched Brown, Regal Blue, and Chaos Black (1:1:1)
H (Drybrushed) - Scorched Brown
H (Drybrushed) - Scorched Brown and Rotting Flesh
H (Drybrushed) - Rotting Flesh
Wash in patches with Thraka Green and Devlan Mud
Leaves on the branch and drum cover:
Base - Bubonic Brown and Tausept Ochre (1:1)
H - Bubonic Brown
H - Bubonic Brown and Bleached Bone
S - Bestial Brown
Inner Mouth (Frog with sword):
Base - Warlock Purple and Chaos Black (1:1)
H - Add Skull White to the mix to highlight the tongue
Leather (Sword grip):
Base - Red Gore and Scorched Brown (1:1)
H - Red Gore
H - Red Gore and Bleached Bone (1:1)
Leaves on the base:
Base (Yellow) - Tausept Ochre
Base (Red) - Tausept Ochre and Mechrite Red (1:1)
H (Both) - Bleached Bone
Wash with Devlan Mud
Finally, all the green skin areas were given an oil wash made of black and magenta oil paints.
Back markings (Airbrushed):
Base - Calthan Brown and Red Gore (1:1)
H - Khemri Brown and small amount of Red Gore
Some dots of latex masking fluid were put over the area to later create the dots on the back.
Belly (Airbrushed):
Base - Bestial Brown and Tausept Ochre (1:1)
H - Kommando Khaki
The belly was covered with a layer of masking fluid to block out the area I wanted left 'white'.
Skin (Airbrushed):
Base - Chaos Black, Warlock Purple, and Camo Green (1:1:1)
H - Camo Green
H - P3 Sulphuric Yellow with a small amount of Camo Green
H (Brush) - P3 Sulphuric Yellow
At this point, all the masking fluid was peeled off, leaving the previous two layers to show through.
Eyes (Back to the paintbrush from here on in):
Base - Skull White
S - P3 Sulphuric Yellow
Lip highlight - Camo Green
Toe Webs:
Base - Bestial Brown and Tausept Ochre (1:1)
H - Kommando Khaki
Base - VMC Dark SeaGreen with a small amount of Dark Angels Green
H - Codex Grey
H - Fortress Grey
S - Wash of Liche Purple and Chaos Black (1:1)
Base cover:
Base - Scorched Brown, Regal Blue, and Chaos Black (1:1:1)
H (Drybrushed) - Scorched Brown
H (Drybrushed) - Scorched Brown and Rotting Flesh
H (Drybrushed) - Rotting Flesh
Wash in patches with Thraka Green and Devlan Mud
Leaves on the branch and drum cover:
Base - Bubonic Brown and Tausept Ochre (1:1)
H - Bubonic Brown
H - Bubonic Brown and Bleached Bone
S - Bestial Brown
Inner Mouth (Frog with sword):
Base - Warlock Purple and Chaos Black (1:1)
H - Add Skull White to the mix to highlight the tongue
Leather (Sword grip):
Base - Red Gore and Scorched Brown (1:1)
H - Red Gore
H - Red Gore and Bleached Bone (1:1)
Leaves on the base:
Base (Yellow) - Tausept Ochre
Base (Red) - Tausept Ochre and Mechrite Red (1:1)
H (Both) - Bleached Bone
Wash with Devlan Mud
Finally, all the green skin areas were given an oil wash made of black and magenta oil paints.
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