Dreadlord WIP, and a lack of power

Last post, then sleep. Sleep wasn't something I got much of last night, as I was trying to do some work on this guy; my next GD project:

But then not long after I got the base done to this level:

...The power went off, leaving my to do little odds and ends with a head-mounted lamp while I waited for the electrician to show up and find the cause of the problem. Leaving me with this:

...Then it turned out they couldn't fix it, meaning I had to get up early this morning to feed some cats I was minding for a friend, then head to the real estate to get it sorted by their electrician. How took seven hours to turn up (Hence all the side projects as the desk is blocked pretty well from light).

Anyway, normal painting schedule should resume as normal from tomorrow morning (Here's hoping...)


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