Painting Comps for 2011

A quick one as well: Games Day/Golden Demon was held two weeks ago, and I finally placed! Not only that, it was two gold! One for LOTR single and LOTR group. I'll do a bigger write up at some point in the future, and will also have some pictures of the entries soon (Hopefully).

On top of that, I ended up getting a silver and two bronzes from the OzPainters Open held in Melbourne a few weeks previous to Demons, and the same weekend as Demons, I got a Large Model second place for Teddy at MOAB! So the past few weeks have turned out very well for painting comps.


  1. We need photos. Of the trophies. On your blog.

  2. I'll try to get one of the photos posted tonight. Can't retake it, as gw parramatta have my demons at the moment.


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