
Showing posts from February, 2010

Random Thought #1

Something that popped into my head today on the way home from work... I was talking to a manager as I walked out of work today who said he had seen people gathered in the car park yesterday, and it looked like the building next door might have had a fire drill. It made sense, because the last time there was a fire drill at our work we were told to move to a specific location because there was a building between us and the 'fire' so if something went wrong we were protected. Makes sense. Nothing blocks the rubble of a destroyed building than another building. About five minutes later, it occurred to me... What about the people in the 'barrier' building... Shouldn't you warn them? Or is the potential pillar of fire next door meant to be a surprise of some sort?

Paint Klub - Skulltaker

The model due at the end of the month for Paint Klub is Skulltaker. Over the weekend I started working on him, or at least, the base: All the pieces lined up and ready for assembly The original plan for how the steps would be laid out. I knocked the pieces and they formed a spiral shape, so I thought that would be more fun. Wait for it... The base goes together - HORRIBLY! Turns out I got the angles wrong, and the middle step wasn't nearly large enough for the model to be in scale (I've learned since I painted the Jester model) so it was back to the original plan... Back to reliable ol' Plan A. How I missed you... A bit of Tamiya putty around the edges to blend the layers together a bit (It will be fixed up properly later) and some pipes in place... The piece connected to the base itself. I need to run some putty around the edges and then sand it back to blend it together. Skulltaker! Or, part of him. Just to get a feel of how he looks on the base. The plan is to have blood...

Hobbyist OCD Indicator #1

This is one of the random thing I have done recently. For ages I have been obsessed about finding out how to find the width of the GW bases for when I construct stuff around them so they actually fit. The other night I realised if a use some cheap Uhu Stick glue to stick paper to the bases, I can trim around them and measure the gap in the paper, figuring out the size of the base. So I end up with this on my desk Saturday morning: Should the Zomb-Apocalypse occur, and only GW base dimensions can save us, I'm well prepared.

Whee! Smart Max thingies!

I picked up some things I ordered from Smart Max from a friend over the weekend, and I want to paint them NOW! But I need to wait to get other stuff finished first... Until then, some nice photos... Humpty Dumpty - An awesome model which I have thought looked great since I first saw it, and now I get to paint it! He comes with a tiny pocket watch and candle flame, and the glasses on his face sit out by about 45 degrees... and I didn't think it was possible to cast that kid of thing. Mei Leung, Opiumancer - This looked fantastic on the screen, and my only regret on seeing it is that I couldn't afford to get the dragon to go with her at the moment. One of her floaty ribbon bits did break on the drive back to my place somehow, but it should be easy to fix up without much trouble... I hope...

Deathmaster Snikch - Final pictures

And here are the completed pictures. I did rush the metallics in the end, but am pleased with how he turned out in the end... Even if i do have a list of things i think is wrong with him... CMON Voting Link MyModelCase Voting Link

Paint Klub II - Deathmaster Snikch II

Two posts for this guy, one now, and one for the finished pictures. I took some WIP shots while I was working on him, but I couldn't post them at the time as I had to rush to finish him. He's lots of fun, and definitely a model I will be coming back to at some point to do an unrushed job on him: The base halfway done... The base complete... The skin basecoat applied (again)... The model completed, just needs to be attached to the base. The model attached, waiting for some final details. Almost done... Not long now... Then I can sleep...