Wyrd - Copycat Killer
OK, this guy has a bit of a story, and it goes like this: Andrew ( Numbat::In Miniature ) came round to do some painting one night, and asked if I was interested in painting up some bases he had. Because they were cobblestones, some kind of street dwellers seemed to fit right with them, but I had to find some first. Malifaux models seemed the way to go, in part because I have so many of them. After about an hour (I had no idea where to look first), I found Seamus and the Copycat Killer, and thought they would be good. I got them both cleaned up, and started painting them that night. The plan was to paint them both at once and have them ready at the same time. The next time Andrew asked if I had finished them (About a month later), I was able to say "I finished the bases!". My method of time management is questionable at best... A while later, I had Seamus done (I just realised I never posted pictures of him or the finished version of Sebastian! I will have to fix that shortly...