Things Get Painted - Barbaros
Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay getting this one posted. The last few weeks have been a bit distracting. I want to do a write up about PAX, so I'll hopefully get a chance to do that over the weekend. In the meantime here is Barbaros! Barbaros is Lilith's Henchman in the Mother of Monsters box. Sculpt wise, while I was annoyed at the number of teeth on the giant sword he has, but in the end they weren't that hard to clean up and paint. He's a bit different to the the other Nephilim, in that fluff wise he is somewhere between a Young and Mature Nephilim, but cannot fly as his wings are stunted. I really like the skin colour I got on him, but my favourite part was doing the wings. I enjoyed getting a chance to do some kind of natural texture on them. So that's Barbaros! I've used him in a few games so far, an he tends to be a lot better than most people initially expect, especially when he needs to move enemies around the table. So he's a...