Things Get Painted - Malifaux Cherub

Back with another model painted about this time last year. I'm really behind in getting photos sorted...

So this is a Malifaux Cherub I painted late 2014 to go with a Lilith crew I had purchased at the start of the year.

I've never been a huge fan of the old model but this one seemed to fit more into the Terror Tots that came with the box set. In all honesty, I was actually keen to paint this, mainly for the huge wings.

The base is a metal Bayou Base Insert, also from Wyrd Games. It was selected for this model as it had the dip in the base I could glue the wing tip into without pinning it, and still be secure. There is a lot of Araldite holding it in place. 

The skin was first painted with an airbrush and GW acrylics, before I went in with a standard brush to do the rest of the model. Other paints used were mainly GW acrylics, with some Vallejo and P3, Tamiya clear gloss, and oil paints at the end for a bit of lining. 

I've had this on display at a few conventions, usually with the rest of the crew. It's first outing was at PAX Australia 2014 with the rest of the crew, however when the crew was displayed a few weeks ago at PAX 2015, the cherub wasn't with them. I've decided that the join from the wing to the base is too fragile to risk such a long journey, which is also why it wasn't with the rest of the crew when I entered it at Gencon 2015 (But more photos from that later).

C&C welcome, as with any other feedback or questions. For those of you who vote, the model can also be found at Cool Mini Or Not and Putty and Paint.


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