Things Get Painted - Imbrian Arts Goblin Shrike

Last year I was burned out from trying to paint Gencon entries. I never got any of my planned entries done, and while I was doing that, I was slowly getting annoyed at any progress I did make. A friend suggested that I paint something for fun. I found this little Shrike sitting on my desk and cleaned him up while I was watching a moving. 

Then glued him to a base with texture, and undercoated him.

Cause "Surely I'll paint him when I am back from the States...", I thought.

An hour later I had done a wash on him to bring out the details, which I had recently heard of again and wanted to try out. 

Two days later I messaged my friend that I was painting a bit more of the model each night. It broke me, in the best of ways. 

At first glance, this little fellow has an insane amount of texture on it, which makes it a bit daunting at first. But that's pleasantly not the case. The bandages on this model (I openly admit to a hatred of bandages on models I want to paint for display, I don't like painting them) are the first time I've painted bandages and felt happy with them, plus not stressed over the details of them. I actually enjoyed the thing I hated! His little bird friend was fun as well. Initially it was black, but I went with brown as the black stood out too much. I also really liked painting the giant sword. It's a nice smooth area overall with a few small dings in it, so it was great to go nuts and do a dirty rusty blade. I spent a lot of time on it, and it's one of the parts I enjoyed the most.

In the end, this little one was finished not only in time for the Gencon painting comp (The irony!), but I managed to get a few different colours into places on it (like the yellow pouch and pink feathers) in order to make it an entry into The Rainbow Brush. I didn't place in the Rainbow Brush (Because there were far better entries), but I did manage to get a Bronze rank with him in the main comp, so I was over the moon about that.

For people looking for it on CMON and P&P, it can be found at these locations

 Goblin Shrike on CMON     Goblin Shrike on P&P


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