Things Get Painted - Rats!

I grabbed a bunch of minis the other night, with the intent to work on some for the 48 Challenge mentioned in Bingo post. My intent was to do a horse drawn limber from Flames Of War, but while I like the models, I was a bit intimidated by the number of parts in them. They will be a future project, but I decided to do the rats from the Mantic Dungeon Critter box.

After thinking the resin blocks off all the models in the kit, I cleaned up the rats, roughly filled in the holes in the base with Vallejo Plastic Putty, and got them ready to prime. The resin is really nice. It holds sharp details, and there has only one rat with a slightly miscast area (lack of texture), but it's so small it's barely noticeable when painted. The resin is also a bit softer than I've worked with before, but also firm. I was able to snip and cut pieces without much force, but it's still solid, and they have a lot of fine details like the tails which show well. Whatever Mantic are doing resin wise, I really like it.

I decided to prime them with Tamiya grey primer. I've had this sitting around a while now to try again, as the last time I used it, I wasn't happy with the results. This time round, like the resins, I was pleasantly surprised. Nice even coverage, and not shiny like it had previously been.

I was enjoying painting the rats so much, I forgot to take WIP photos on a regular basis. Also, they painted up quick, at least by my standards. These three took just under 3 hours, so it was a single sitting.

I painted the flagstones using a method based on Sorastro's Zombicide bases, seen here. I just did four different pale colours (well, 3, and Shadowed Stone, as I really like that colour), and a heavy Agrax Earthshade wash over the top. I'm pretty happy with the final result of the bases, given how little work I put in.

And then, after a quick matte varnish and gloss coat on the eyes, I had finished rats! I'm sure I'll end up throwing them at my dnd group eventually, or getting them into Dungeon Saga. At the same time, this made me want to paint more Dungeon Saga as well, so it's all good!


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