Things Get Painted - The Cliff Dragon

You've already seen this guy, but I figured I'd do another post to show the base, and the finished model.

I did a really basic base with odd tufts of grass, and then...

Resin time! Yep, I'm trying water effects again. This time I messed around with some colouring options (I'll go into that at a later date), and made enough mistakes to learn what to do on a future comp entry.

I put some extra 50my round bases under the normal base. They were glued in, but just served to raise the main base from the table. That way, when I put the tape edging on it, there was more structure for the tape to help form an edge for the pour.

After leaving it for two days to set, I removed the tape. The base had a strange white buildup, but I'm not sure if that was tape residue or something else. Either way, it was able to be sanded back with the resin, the edge of which was then given a gloss coat.

Finally, I used some Vallejo water effect gel on the top of the water. I may revisit this at some point and add more, as brush strokes are still visible in some areas.

Overall, I'm quite happy with the end result, even more so for a 2nd hand $2 model! I learned that getting excited when you find a colouring method that suits you may lead to overdoing it. I would have preferred to have more translucent water, but I have learned for next time: less is more.

In the meantime, I have a bunch of projects for the next few weeks, so expect some more photos after MOAB!


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