Everyone in the painting community has heard about Contrast Paints by now, so I'm not going to talk about what they are or how they work too much. Basically, they were released this weekend, and one of my friends ( Numbat ) picked up a few, and brought some along to our Sunday night painting for me to try. A few hours before he arrived, I realised that I would need a few models to try these out on, and went to my usual go to emergency miniatures: Reaper Bones. Look at them gathered there, slightly out of focus, judging me... I'd heard that people were using standard sprays on the models as well as the new Wraithbone and Grey Seer undercoats, and that the pre-existing undercoats work fine. So I glued a few Lizardmen to bases, and did three versions of undercoat: From left to right, Corax White, Mechanicus Standard Grey with Corax White sprayed from the stop, and then plain Mechanicus Standard Grey. One thing to note here is that Mechanicus ...
My most recent project wasn’t well thought out. At first it was meant to be a quick experiment with some skin tones and an attempt at a semi-noir look, and turned into a set of five models which I was really proud of. I also learned a lot about the process on the way. The less colours you use, the easier this gets The first model I did, Stone, used a total of nine colours. This was initially not an attempt at strict black and white, but I intended to try to use a pale skin tone I had heard about on Reaper Live during their Kickstarter launch, and do the rest in grey tones. As the progress went on, I started reusing colours until I only had nine at the end. It narrowed the colour range, but after a comment from a friend at PAX helping with the four-colour challenge, I decided to aim for 4 colours on the next few models, namely Dragon Black, Dragon White, Tempest Grey, and a flesh tone. Stone, the most colourful of the group. It may not be noticea...
Note: I started writing this post before the GW Contrast Paints were released, so this post doesn't directly compare the two. I understand that Hexwraith Flame was one of their prototype Contrast paints, however having used the two, there appears to be enough difference for me to warrant treating them differently to each other for the course of this post. Even though I only recently finished the first models of my Leveticus crew, I've started a new Malifaux Crew! I'm enjoying getting some older metal models through the process quickly, as I'm not aiming for a display piece on older models, just a tabletop quality piece where I can try something new. This time round, I realised that Kirai's crew full of spirits would be a great chance to try out Hexwraith Flame. I have planned out the colour scheme in more detail, but am still in the process of writing that up. But with 5 Seishin staring at me, I figured it was a good chance to quickly get these started ...
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