The Wolf

Well, i've meant to start a blog for a while now, so here goes. This is a wolf rider conversion i am working on at the moment. It's for a conversion contest, and based on the rider from the old GW Goblin Wolf Riders. The wolf it came with is long past useable now, so i wanted a larger wolf to add a bit of menace. And that's when i decided to use a Chaos Warhoud:

The rider doesn't fit flush with the wolf, so the obvious way to get around that is to make a saddle. And when it didn't look right, i kept adding scales to make it look like dragon hide.

Once done, i put him together with the rider and base i had made to get some shots of him:

The shield is a Dwarf buckler with the emblem ground off. The skull is from the skull bitz pack, and the rock is made out of a greenstuff/milliput mix.


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