Things Get Painted - WIP - By Order Of The Governor's Secretary!

Cardinal rule, I think, for anyone that wants to compete in miniature painting comps regularly, should be:
"Don't start a new project within a few months of a competition."

Further to that:
"Don't start an tabletop level project, that will confuse things."

The downfall of this is:
"These old metals are cheap..."

I started another Malifaux crew...

Hall of Heroes is getting rid of some of their old stock at half price. I haven't been keen on new crews unless I can grab the totem at the same time. McMourning is a set of models I like, but the Zombie Chihuahua has been hard to get for a while. They had two in stock...

I grabbed them about a fortnight ago, and spent the end of my last two days at work listening to a phone that does not ring cleaning the mould lines off the models. Last night and tonight I assembled the models and stuck them to bases. For the first time in. Y life, I'm doing Malifaux models on what I consider to be 'basic' bases. Plain ground texture.

Well, I'll add some rocks to break it up, and maybe some grass tufts...

This was actually quite a fun, fast project. McMourning and the nurses are single piece models, and apart from the tiny needle breaking on the nurse on the right of the top photo, they were quick and simple. Sebastian has a seperate saw, and the Flesh Construct has a right arm seperate. I've used araldite to hold them in place, and green stuff' the gaps. I'm getting better at gap filling with raw GS, which I am happy with. The chihuahua was mounted on a scrap of thin plastic are, then pinned to the base before texture was added. This meant it was lifted a bit, so wouldn't get flooded with basing material, and now looks like he is above the dirt, not sinking into it.

All the bases were gap filled and coated in PVA, before a mix of beach sand, medium railway ballast, and the insides of a carbon water filter were added for texture. I had also used araldite to fix some pieces of slate onto the base as well to make it a bit more interesting.

The Golem was the trickiest to base this way. He leans back slightly when upright, so there was a large gap underneath his feet. I filled this with GS scraps when gap filling, pressed in some slate, and made a little ridge for him to stand on.

Overall, I think they make a good looking crew! I'm keen to paint them, most likely at the next few painting days around town. I want todo some quick jobs on them, but with that in mind I've been planning a paint scheme to try to speed things up a bit as well.


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