Things Get Built - Sedition Wars Strain
Several years ago, a friend offered me a chance to piggyback on a Kickstarter he was getting in on. The Kickstarter was Sedition Wars, and it was a combination of Studio McVey models, who I was already a fan of, and CMON, who were riding high after their success of Zombicide. ...Yes, for those of you who haven't realised it yet, this blog post takes place in the long ago, when there was only one Zombicide, and Kickstarters were still a new thing which people had not yet fully discovered the uses of. I pledged with my friend, added in some extra bits, and enjoyed watching the campaign grow and expand, especially in the final few hours of the campaign as stretch goals seemed to get right out of hand. For you see, dear reader, these were the halcyon days of Kickstarter, when backing a board game meant you got ten of everything you would have got anyway, and people complained when it didn't turn up a week after funding. ...Oh wait, that still happens... ...