Things Get Painted - Malifaux Crossroads Seven - Greed

Greed is the next member of the Crossroads Seven!


Representing the Guild faction in the crew, Greed's frilly dress seemed a bit imposing at first, but was actually quite fun to paint up all the different parts, especially after the large areas of Sloth. There were a few different areas that required a bit of patience to get the brush into, causing a few more areas where I had to go and repair overpaint from a slipped brush, but it worked out in the end!


This skin was my favourite part to paint, especially with the realisation that her eyes were closed, so I could skip that step! The black dress actually gave me the most trouble, not from the figure itself, but the paint. Halfway through, the dress started to go shiny in the dark areas, so I had to rely on the final topcoat to kill the shine on it. The freehand on the small of the back was my intent to get freehand on the models in someway where possible, but this also pointed out that some models just don't have the best areas to try that one. Not necessarily a bad thing, but as I had been recently going on a freehand kick, I was kind of shocked to notice this at first. 

The hair on this model is a huge area, but was actually pretty quick to paint when weighed up against everything else. I started with the base colour, then used thin layers to define large blocks of shadow. The thin paint also sunk into the cracks emphasising the texture. I went an picked out some darker areas similar to lining at the end to define a few clumps of hair, but most was done letting liquid do it's work. I thin highlighted up in a similar way, not getting to individual hairs until the last stage. This is different to what I do, as with a model like this I'd be happy to spend time on each hair strand, but it worked out fast enough I used in on other models as well during this project. 

30mm base
Painted with Reaper, Vallejo, and Secret Weapon paints
Broken Toad brushes and Iwata Eclipse were used for painting

Greed on CMON Greed on P&P


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