Things Get Painted - Malifaux Crossroads Seven - Gluttony

Gluttony is the second-last model from this crew to be posted. Here is the Gremlins representative within the Crossroads Seven!


Gluttony, at first, seemed intimidating. I had learned by this point to knuckle down and focus on small parts each time, and I tried to focus on parts I was looking forward to painting – mainly the drum. I had started the model early during an airbrush session, where I had blocked in most of the skin. I kept going with that first, then started on the pants. My reasoning was that if I could get two large areas done first, I would be able to focus more on the details as I got to them without things being unsure as to how they would look at the end.


I was pretty pleased for most of the project, but there was always something that was uncertain with it that didn’t mesh. It wasn’t until the final stages of the project that I realised the snake wasn’t painted. I was planning on it in due course, but I failed to realise how large it is, and how it alters the shape of the mini if it is painted the same as his flesh. Blocking in the colours made Gluttony himself pop out of the model more, and I was a lot more confident in continuing.


40mm base
Painted using Reaper, GW Paints and Secret Weapon washes
Painted with Broken Toad brushes and Iwata Eclipse airbrush

Lust on CMON Lust on P&P


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