Things Get Painted - Malifaux Crossroads Seven - Envy

Envy is the third member of the Crossroads Seven to get posted!


Envy was actually the third member to be started, but one of the last to be finished. I decided to leave the rider (Envy himself) separate to make painting him easier, and I painted the tank later. He also was one of two members who posed an issue with basing - He doesn't fit on the base. If the model was on a flat 50mm disc with straight edges it would just fit, but the Malifaux bases have a lip, so something is going to overhang on the base.


The planks of wood were in the base design early on, but originally I thought I was going to have to prop up the legs on rocks. After trying to construct something which would work with the model, I found it was going to be very hard to balance the model and keep it safe on the base. What became a design piece originally then got adjusted to support the front legs. It's made out of plasticard, so the feet have been attached, however I'm sure a sharp knock would detach them.


I also ran into another issue painting the model even with the rider unattached. I had assembled the rest of the tank and put a pin into the area Envy would sit, and was holding that on a knife handle in order to paint it. This gave the issue of painting the model upside down, the weight detaching it from the pin every few hours (It's a hollow body, so there isn't much to attach to), and the sheer amount of metal! I had started by airbrushing the blue body, but the model has a lot of metal on it. This meant I had to go and paint a lot of it black again for the metal before painting it, and that along took a few hours. So I would have this suggestion for anyone who wants to paint the model in the future, and the method I'd be using:
  • Assemble and paint Envy on his own
  • Dry fit the rest of the tank to make sure everything fits
  • Plan how to attach it to the base
  • Assemble the main tank body, leave the legs and guns separate
  • Paint the separate elements of the tank, then glue it together at the end

Anyway, that's Envy! If you are interested in seeing how much pickup work I had to do on the model during the painting, be sure to look out for the last post, where I'll be showing the WIP photos as well.

50mm base
Painted with Reaper and Secret Weapon paints
Broken Toad brushes and Iwata Eclipse were used for painting

Envy on CMON Envy on P&P


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